Anuta Chindris

Ruolo: Aquaculture and Fishery Resources Area Research Fellow

Eng. Anuta Chindris, PhD joined the IMC – International Marine Centre Onlus on October 2013 as  Research Fellow. Her background is in Chemical/Industrial and Bioprocess Engineering with more than five years’ experience in the cultivation and production of different microorganisms such as bacteria and microalgae. Her interests are focused on applying biotechnology tools and engineering principles to microbial systems. In particular, her mission is to develop micro-macroalgae cultivation and production strategies employing photoautotrophic processes in order to stimulate the use of this sustainable approach for aquaculture and bioremediation of aquatic systems. She is also looking to the acidification impacts on the aquaculture systems.
She is currently working as research fellow in the Production and Microalgae Group at the IMC Foundation.


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