Erika M.D. Porporato

Ruolo: Aquaculture and Fishery Resources Area Research Fellow

Erika M.D. Porporato is a marine ecologist with a PhD in Environmental Sciences. Since 2020 researcher at the IMC – International Marine Centre Foundation. Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice from 2015 to 2020. Since 2019 FAO consultant on aquaculture and expert monitoring reviewer for the Research Executive Agency of the European Commission. She was involved in different national and international projects, organisation of scientific meetings and leading of research expeditions.

She is a researcher interested in diversity and ecosystem functioning, macroecology and species’ response to anthropogenic (aquaculture and fisheries) and environmental alterations, with particular interest in the effects of climate change and multiple stressors. Her current research interests are focused on the Allocated Zones for Aquaculture identification, through the use of satellite data, within the process of the Maritime Spatial Planning.

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