Statute and Foundation Structure
The activity of the Foundation is regulated by a statute.
The organs of the Foundation are:
1. The Managing Committee: the Foundation is administered by a Managing Committee of three members, including the President. The President is appointed by Sardegna Ricerche on the designation of the Regional Councilor for Planning, Budget, Credit and Regional Planning. A member of the Managing Committee is nominated by Sardegna Ricerche. A member of the Managing Committee is appointed by the National Research Council.
The current Managing Committee consist of:
Dr. Stefano Guerzoni (IMC Foundation President)
Dr. Maria Assunta Serra (special commissioner of Sardegna Ricerche)
Dr. Simone Simeone (IAS-CNR)
2. The Scientific Committee: the Scientific Committee plays a role in promoting the Foundation’s activities in national and international scientific offices; it also has a consulting and reference function for the Director and the Managing Committee, in relation to the elaboration of the programmatic lines and the annual activity programs.
The Scientific Committee is composed of personalities of the national and international scientific community with specific skills in the areas of activity of the Foundation.
3. The Control Body: the management of the Foundation is controlled by a single Auditor appointed by the Managing Committee, registered in the Official Register of Auditors.
4. The President: the President of the Foundation is appointed by Sardegna Ricerche on the designation of the Regional Councilor for Planning, Budget, Credit and Spatial Planning, and must be chosen from among people who have gained a proven track record in at least one of the following areas: administration, management and control in the field of scientific research, in the Public Administration or in foundations of purpose for public purposes.
The President is Dr. Stefano Guerzoni
5. The Director: the Director General of the Foundation is appointed by the Managing Committee, to which the body is hierarchically responsible in the figure of the President. He is responsible for the good administrative performance and develops proposals aimed at achieving the aims of the Foundation, formulating its own and ensuring the necessary organizational and management coordination to implement them.
The Director is Dr. Paolo Mossone
6. The Honorary President: the Managing Committee appoints, upon the designation of the Municipality of Oristano, an honorary President who participates in the meetings of the Managing Committee without the right to vote.