Who we are

      IMC is a non profit NGO Research Foundation under Presidential Decree n.135, of 20 March 2003.

  • 1988  founded as a partnership between a private company (MARE s.a.s.) and the Municipality of Oristano
  • 1995  recognized as a Non-Governmental Action Plan Organization for the Mediterranean with the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP – MAP)
  • 1995  becomes part of MedForum (Association of Mediterranean NGOs for Sustainable Development)
  • 1995  recognized as an I.R.C., a relay center participating in MED.IA: Mediterranean Innovation Relay Centre Array. This is a program created by the European Commission DG XIII, for the dissemination and optimization of research results
  • 1999  inserted in the National Research Registry MIUR
  • 2002  converted into a Foundation
  • 2010  becomes a wholly public entity
  • 2012  Sardegna Ricerche becomes a supporting member of the IMC Foundation
  • 2012 The IMC is recognized as a research facility of the Science and Technology Park of Sardinia and qualifies as a “regional Research Institute “

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