Type of publication: Scientific articles
Murgia R. - (2013)
Vegetazione dunale e attività di educazione ambientale e di sensibilizzazione
. Convegno “Bandiera Blu 2013 a Torregrande”. Torregrande, 26 luglio 2013.
Brundu G. - (2013)
Studio e monitoraggio di ecosistemi marini e lagunari effettuati recentemente dall’ IMC.
Convegno “Bandiera Blu 2013 a Torregrande”. Torregrande, 26 luglio 2013.
Mossone P. - (2013)
The Foundation IMC International Marine Centre.
Global Scientia – Global Science and Technology. Issue 3. ISSN 2053-258X (Print) - ISSN 2053-2598 (Online)
11. Di Carlo G., Jakl Z., Šijan M., Prvan M., Žuljević A., Pečar O., Guala I. - (2013)
A standardised Posidonia oceanica monitoring protocol for Croatian Marine Protected Areas: first year monitoring results.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems (MarCoastEcos2012): Increasing knowledge for a sustainable conservation and integrated management. Published by Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Tirana. 596- ...Read more
Guala I., Brundu G., Vallainc D., Mossone P - (2013)
Assessment of conservation status of Posidonia oceanica and anchoring pressure as a tool for a proper management of recreational boating.
Mar. Mediterr., 20 (1): 164-165