Environmental Monitoring and Studies

IMC Foundation Researchers monitor marine and coastal ecosystems as a service to public authorities (municipalities, provinces, managing bodies of  the Protected Marine Areas and Natura 2000 sites) as well as for private ones.

  • In particular, activities include:
    • Development of protocols for monitoring and evaluating the environmental status of the marine environment and the effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas
    • Identification and quantitative data collection on priority habitats and protected species under the Habitats Directive 1992/43/EU and the Protocol SPA/BIO (Barcelona Convention): habitat 1120 fields of Posidonia oceanica; habitat1170 Reefs, coralligenous communities, Pinna nobilis; Paracentrotus lividus; fish fauna
    • Feasibility studies of protected areas, preparation of documentation required for the recognition of protected marine areas by SPAMI (Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance, Barcelona Convention)
  • • Surveys on hard sea floors and on marine debris for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive 2008/56/EU
    • Identification of ecological indicators (CARLIT, Prei) under the Coastal Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EU
    • Identification of ecological and socio-economic indicators and management measures to be applied to Marine Protected Areas and Natura 2000 sites
    • Training of Marine Protected Area operators
  • Identification and collection of quantitative data for the assessment of stocks of commercially valuable species of (Paracentrotus lividus)
    • Monitoring of anthropogenic pressure on marine and coastal ecosystems; evaluation of the impact of anchors, diving, commercial and recreational fishing, and alien species; identification of measures to mitigate the impacts of human activity
    • Physico-chemical characterization of surface waters and biological characterization of the seabed of marine and coastal areas in the interest of evaluating the impact of maritime works

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